Sunday, October 19, 2014

For or Against Animal Testing? (Post 4)

Many people believe that animal testing is beneficial to humanity because it finds cures for diseases and such. Yes, this is true, the research can help find cures for diseases and save millions of people. But the process itself is not beneficial. Animals are tested in experiments constantly to advance in the scientific and medical field. But how is this benefiting society if we are hurting these poor creatures in the process? We have come a long way in the medical and science field, and yet a majority of laboratories still test on animals. We have new technology to incorporate in this research, and we can use it instead of testing on animals. Also many others believe that they would rather test on animals rather than humans because this way, we as humans don't have to suffer and to just leave the animals to endure the suffering. Is this really the world we live in? That we have to test on the creatures who live on this earth with us in order to make our lives better? We as people will never move forward or improve our humanity if we continue to do this. Many people treat animals like scum, and it is horrible to see. They think that animal's lives matter less than their own, and having that kind of mindset is very inhumane. Why should we treat animals as though they are less worthy than us? That is not what we were put on this earth to do. We were meant to live together harmoniously, to treat others equally, no matter who they are, animal or human. Fortunately though, there are many people all over the world who believe that animal testing is wrong and that action must be taken to get rid of the process altogether. Many countries are seeing that this practice is inhumane and are putting a stop to it one step at a time. In the article India bans cruel animal testing for cosmetics, activists elated,  it talks about how India banned animal testing in cosmetic industries.  It states that “More than 1,200 companies around the world have banned all animal tests in favour of effective, modern non-animal tests”.  This is an amazing breakthrough and hopefully it can continue in the long run. In Avoiding Animal Testing, it states that the "data from Great Britain indicate that the actual use of mice (by far the most-used laboratory species) for research projects has plateaued in the last decade despite a large increase in the size of breeding colonies" (Rowan 1). More and more countries around the world are realizing that the practice of testing on animals is not humane and they are taking action to try and stop it at all costs. The fact that many countries are stopping animal testing in some of their companies is amazing. This action can help influence many other countries to ban animal testing and keep the cycle going until it is completely banned all over the world. 

"India bans cruel animal testing for cosmetics, activists elated." Times of India 30 June 2013. Global Issues In Context. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.

Rowan, Andrew. "Avoiding Animal Testing." The Scientist. N.p., 1 Dec. 2011. Web. 02 Nov. 2014. 

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